Compensa le tuo emissioni di CO2 e investi per le generazioni future
We make investing green easy!
Crea un account sul nostro sito in meno di 5 minuti e poi accedi con le tue credenziali.
Apri la pagina Greenvestor e inserisci l'ammontare di denaro che vorresti investire in progetti solari.
Conferma il pagamento ed entro 6 mesi vedrai i tuoi soldi trasformati in un nuovo impianto solare per chi ne ha bisogno.
Ricevi il 10% sul tuo investimento iniziale per i i prossimi 10 anni e in più riceverai l'intero ammontare investito di ritorno dopo 10 anni.
Dopo ogni anno riceverai un certificato per aver contribuito alla produzione di energia verde che attesta quanta CO2 sei riuscito a salvare grazie al tuo investimento. Condividilo con chi vuoi, per mostrare il tuo impegno nel proteggere l'ambiente.
Preleva o reinvesti i tuoi profitti, donali a una delle associazione sociali o per l'ambiente da noi identificate o create un salvadanaio verde per i tuoi figli o qualcuno a cui tieni molto.
Semplifichiamo la transizione energetica
Our goal is to make green energy EASY and ACCESSIBLE for everyone. Through GreenView Energy, we CONNECT people that want to invest in solar panels but don't have the possibility to do it themselves, with those who would like to have solar panels but cannot purchase them. This is why we offer two services: GREENVESTOR and SURFACE PROVIDER.
You can finally have solar panels without having to actually physically own them, allowing you to offset your carbon footprint and reduce dependancy on fossil fuels. You now have a REAL solution to invest in solar panels, HASSLE and WORRY FREE. These panels will produce GREEN ENERGY, which will then be sold and the profits made will be SHARED with you.
On your member page you will see how much energy your investment has produced, how much CO2 it has SAVED and you will be able to compare this with the amount of CO2 you produce daily thanks to our carbon footprint calculator.
If you've always wanted to have solar panels on your property and consume green energy, then our Surface Provider service is ideal for you. We will install solar panels on your surface FREE of charge and cover the whole process, from the paper-work to the installment and maintenance, in order to make the procedure as EASY and PLEASANT as possible for you. You will then be able to consume green energy produced directly on your surface and that we will sell to you at a 10% DISCOUNT price compared to what you where previously paying.
We will provide you with a certificate and a digital badge of how much CO2 you will save by becoming a GreenView Energy Surface Provider. You can also monitor on your member page how much money you have SAVED and how much more green energy you need to become CARBON NEUTRAL.